Upik / Selvplukk 2023
Selvplukk på Sander Nordstuen Gård
Sander Nordstuen Gård Offers a peaceful upic (selvplukk) with raspberries and strawberries at our farm in season. Come and enjoy a day at our farm and visit our animals, we welcome children to our farm, but do ask you to provide supervision considering other pickers our crop and our farm animals, but your dog have to stay at home.
We started with strawberries and raspberries in 2014 and had strawberries until 2018, and our customers have been asking us ever since, to plant a new strawberry field, and in 2022 it finally happened, when we planted 3,500 strawberry plants, for self-picking in 2023. We do not spray with pesticides or artificial fertilizers.
If everything goes according to plan, and the weather is with us we will be ready for self-picking of unsprayed strawberries and rapbarries this summer. We will come back with more information about the date.
In 2023, as in previous years, we have unsprayed raspberries for self-picking, We open for self-picking in mid-July/August.
for more information on how to book time pleas contact us here:
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Upik / Selvplukk 2023
Informasjon om selvplukk på Sander Nordstuen Gård 2023
Vi er åpne for selvplukk av bringebær fra 23/7 kl 12:00
Husk og ta med egne bøtter og kurver for og plukke i. og hils gjerne på dyrene våre og vi slår gjerne av en prat over en kopp kaffe på stabburstrappa. men husk at hunder må dessverre være hjemme.
Vi sees, hilsen Tone og Magne
Men på grunn av tørken vi hadde tidligere i år, så har dessverre alt av jordbærplanter fått seg en knekk og det betyr at vi ikke har jordbær i år, dessverre.
Due to the drought we had earlier this year, unfortunately all of the strawberry plants have been damaged and that means we have no strawberries this year, Raspberry opens as planned in July.